Promote Talent from Within Your Team
We help you carry out fair and unbiased internal promotion processes, free from gender, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristics that are not related to the skills and competencies necessary to perform the job.
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"You've Already Come
So Far"
The glass ceiling is a phenomenon that refers to the invisible barrier that prevents women and other members of minority groups from advancing in their professional careers.
The causes are due to a lack of equal opportunities, biases, and deeply-rooted stereotypes.
Objectively Evaluate and Identify the Best Talent
We integrate our artificial intelligence with your candidate selection and management software to help your selection team evaluate candidates objectively and identify the most suitable candidates for promotion. A skills and competency-based approach that eliminates possible unconscious biases and prejudices that may arise in the process.
We Guarantee Decisions Based Solely on SKILLS
Our interview system, based on avatars and voice modulation, helps maintain anonymity during interviews, particularly important in internal promotion processes where interviewees and interviewers may have pre-existing relationships.This ensures that decisions are based solely on the relevant skills and competencies for the position, and not on personal factors.